Wife Stabs Soldier Husband to Death

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Wife Stabs Soldier Husband to Death
By Fatima Sesay
A nurse who identifies herself as N’tuma Mansaray, on Wednesday 21st April 2021, made her third appearance before Justice Sulaiman Bah of the Freetown High Court. The accused is alleged to have killed her husband by stabbing him with a knife at their house at Murray Town barracks.

Led in evidence by State Prosecutor, Umu Summary, the witness recognized the accused and the deceased as husband and wife, and recall on the 30 March 2020. He said that on that day, he was at home when one Zainab gave him information that the accused has stabbed the deceased with a knife at their home.
He said that based on that information, he went to the scene and met two soldiers, who opened the door for him.
Sheriff furthered that at the house, he met the accused holding her baby, and when she saw him, she burst into tears. He explained that he then asked the accused if she was the one who stabbed the deceased, and she replied in the affirmative.
He furthered that he then asked the accused what was the reason, but she didn’t answer him. He continued that he then went inside their bedroom and saw the said knife lying between the wall and the mattress with blood stains.

The witnessed said that the accused attempted to take the knife to hand it over to him, but she was stopped by two soldiers, who took the knife and handed it over to him. The knife was tendered in court to form part of the evidence.
Ending his examination in chief, sheriff said that after the knife was handed over to him, he heard people crying outside that the deceased had passed away. He said he then handed over the accused with the knife to the police.

During cross examination by Defence Counsel, Ishmael Mamie Esq., the witness stated that the deceased was a soldier attached to the medical wing of the military force. He said he has known both the accused and the deceased for the past two years and he (witness) has been a military officer for twenty-seven years.

The accused was arraigned before the court on a count of murder contrary to law, and the particulars of offence states that the accused, on 30th March 2020, at Murray Town barracks in Freetown, murdered Mamoud Mansaray.

The accused was remanded and the matter adjourned to 7th June 2021.

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