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Both family and Poro Society members of one Mr. Mohamed Sillah, of 8 Federick Street, Freetown, are reportedly in desperate search for 21-year-old Mohamed Yusif Sillah, the son of the former.
Reports say Mohamed Yusif Sillah was on February 14, 2022, caught red-handed in broad day light having an affair with his gay partner, Josephus Johnson.
Before the news could spread out, reports furthered, sillah and his partner managed to escape for their lives.
His father, a staunch Muslim and an influential member of the dreaded Poro Society, and other family members, did not take kindly to the news of Sillahs abominable act and have vowed to deal with him gravely. Putting his words into action, family sources state, Mr Mohamed Sillah reportedly invited his poro members to deal with his son, whom he said he has now disowned since learning of his unforgivable act. In the Sierra Leonean culture, same-sex relationship is prohibited and anyone engaged in such faces grave consequences. Even the countrys laws do not protect such individuals.
It is therefore not surprising that Mr. Sillah has taken a drastic route to see his son severely dealt with for what he referred to as an unforgivable act. He is reported to have given the green light to anyone including Poro Society members, family and the community as whole, to kill his son anywhere he or his gay partner is seen.
As at press time, the whereabouts of Mohamed Yusif Sillah and his gay partner, Johnson, are unkown.
Whether the hired mercenaries for Sillah and his partner will succeed in their desperate search is matter of wait and see but what is clear from all of this is the fact that 21-year-old Mohamed Yusif Sillah and his gay partner are in for grave consequences anywhere they are seen within Sierra Leone or neighbouring African countries.

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