Deadline for National ID Card is March 31st, 2024

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Deadline for National ID Card is March 31st, 2024

The deadline for all citizens to obtain National Identification Cards is fast approaching, the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) in Sierra Leone has issued a notice urging all citizens to comply with the Cabinet Directive ratified by Parliament in March 2022.

The directive requires individuals to obtain ID cards, whether National, Non-National, or ECOWAS, to access a range of services including financial transactions, vehicle registration, recruitment into institutions, NASSIT enrollment, and more.

Failure to comply with this directive by the deadline of March 31st, 2024 could result in individuals being unable to access essential services, including healthcare, education, movement from area to other and employment opportunities.

Failure to obtain National & Non National ID card after the deadline May lead to arrest by authorities, Id Card is the primary and only personal identification card .

The NCRA, in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Police and the Office of National Security, is working to ensure a smooth transition and assist individuals in obtaining the necessary ID cards.

“The purpose is to streamline access to services and ensure the security and accuracy of personal information,” stated a representative from the NCRA. “We urge all citizens to take this directive seriously and make the necessary arrangements before the deadline.”

To facilitate the process, NCRA offices and designated centres across the country are assisting individuals seeking to obtain or update their ID cards. The National and Non-National ID cards are mandatory, while the ECOWAS ID card is optional.

In addition to accessing essential services, ID cards will also help in the fight against identity theft, fraud, and other illegal activities. By ensuring that individuals have a unique identification number linked to their personal information, authorities can better track and verify identities for various purposes.

As the deadline approaches, the NCRA is ramping up its efforts to raise awareness and assist individuals in meeting the requirements of the directive. Citizens are encouraged to visit the nearest NCRA office or designated centre to obtain more information and ensure compliance before the deadline.

For more information on the ID card, individuals can visit the NCRA website or contact their local NCRA office. “Let us all play our part in this important initiative to enhance security and efficiency in accessing essential services for all citizens”.
National Identity Cards is Mandatory for all Residents Starting April 1, 2024

In a bid to enforce compliance with a recent Cabinet Directive, the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) of Sierra Leone has announced that all residents, both citizens and foreigners, will be required to possess National Identification Cards bearing their National Identification Numbers (NIN) effective April 1st, 2024.

The move comes as a means to ensure that all individuals within the country are reliably identified and have consistency in their personal information, regardless of the use or purpose. The NCRA emphasized that the NIN cards will serve as the primary source of personal identification in Sierra Leone moving forward.

Abdul Cauker, the National Security Coordinator, stated, “Every resident in Sierra Leone must have a National Identity Card as it not only helps in identifying individuals accurately but also plays a vital role in maintaining national security.”

William Sellu, the Inspector General of Police, echoed this sentiment, saying, “Having a standardized form of identification will greatly assist law enforcement in carrying out their duties effectively and efficiently.”

Residents are urged to begin the process of obtaining their National Identity Cards as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute rush. The NCRA has set up various registration centres across the country to facilitate this process.

Mobile registration units will also be deployed to remote areas to ensure that every resident, no matter where they are located, has access to this essential form of identification. Additionally, online registration options will be made available for those who are unable to visit a physical registration centre.

All residents need to comply with this directive to avoid any inconvenience in the future. Let us all work together to build a safer and more secure Sierra Leone.

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