Palo Conteh calls for unity in APC

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In a candid and passionate address to members of the All People’s Congress (APC) party, Major Retired Alfred Palo Conteh has raised critical concerns about the current state of affairs within the party. Emphasizing the importance of democracy, transparency, and unity, Conteh highlighted the need for internal reforms to address key challenges and pave the way for the APC’s resurgence as a formidable political force in Sierra Leone.

Conteh lamented in an exclusive interview the lack of democratic principles observed during the last party convention held in Makeni. He expressed deep disappointment over the flawed election process that marred the event, noting that proper procedures were not followed at various levels of the party hierarchy. Calling for a return to true democratic values, Conteh stressed that the APC must distinguish itself by upholding fairness, accountability, and inclusivity in its internal processes.

“The APC has to be democratic. It should not emulate the practices of the ruling party,” Conteh asserted, underlining the importance of adherence to democratic norms in fostering party cohesion and solidarity. He emphasized that genuine democracy within the APC would lay the foundation for the much-needed unity among members, leading to a stronger collective voice and purpose.

Drawing attention to the toxic environment created by rampant allegations and accusations on social media platforms, Conteh condemned the culture of mudslinging and character assassination within the party. He cautioned against the spread of baseless rumors, such as claims of senior party officials meeting with the President under dubious circumstances, which only serve to sow discord and mistrust among members.

“We must put an end to this divisive behavior. Such actions run counter to the principles upheld by  the so-called Big Six, which I was part of,” Conteh remarked. He called for a return to civility in political discourse, urging members to engage in constructive dialogue and debate while refraining from resorting to personal attacks or derogatory language.

Conteh further stressed the importance of internal cohesion and solidarity within the APC, highlighting the detrimental effects of intra-party conflicts and divisions on the party’s electoral prospects. He implored members to prioritize party unity above individual ambitions, cautioning against the destructive practice of accusing each other of affiliations with rival political figures.

“In the army, after every operation, we conduct debriefings to assess our performance, identify areas for improvement, and learn from our experiences. The same approach should be applied in politics,” Conteh suggested. He underscored the need for a thorough post-election review within the party to identify shortcomings, successes, and lessons learned, with a view to strengthening the APC’s electoral strategy and organizational effectiveness.

Calling for a concerted effort to address internal challenges and foster a more cohesive and constructive party environment, Conteh urged APC members to set aside personal differences and work towards a common goal of returning the party to governance. He emphasized the significance of collective action and unity of purpose in overcoming obstacles and building a stronger, more resilient political entity.

As Major Retired Alfred Palo Conteh’s clarion call for democratic reforms and unity resonates within the ranks of the APC, the party faces a pivotal moment of introspection and renewal. The path to a brighter future for the APC lies in embracing democratic values, promoting open dialogue, and forging a shared vision of progress and prosperity for all Sierra Leoneans.

Palo Conteh Advocates for Democratic Reforms and Unity Within APC

In a pivotal and exclusive interview on Tuesday, former Flagbearer of the All People’s Congress (APC) party, Major Retired Alfred Palo Conteh, shared poignant insights and reflections on the current state of affairs within his political party. With a resolute call for democratic governance and internal cohesion, Conteh highlighted the pressing need for transformative reforms to restore unity and credibility within the APC.

Addressing the challenges faced by the APC in the aftermath of the last party convention held in Makeni, Conteh emphasized the fundamental importance of upholding democratic principles and procedures at all levels of the party hierarchy. Expressing concerns over the inadequacies in the election process, he stressed that adherence to transparency and fairness is paramount for the APC to regain its footing as a leading political force in Sierra Leone.

“The APC must embody true democracy and distinguish itself from the ruling party by adhering to democratic norms and values,” Conteh asserted. He underscored the critical role that democratic governance plays in fostering unity, trust, and collective action within the party, highlighting the potential for a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity once the right procedures are duly followed.

Citing the proliferation of toxic rhetoric and unsubstantiated allegations on social media platforms, Conteh decried the culture of negativity and division that has permeated the internal discourse within the APC. Drawing attention to damaging accusations of high-ranking party officials colluding with the President under the cover of darkness, he urged for an end to such divisive practices that run counter to the party’s founding principles.

“We must refrain from engaging in character assassinations and baseless allegations that only serve to undermine our collective cause,” Conteh admonished. He called for a return to civility in political discourse, emphasizing the importance of respectful dialogue and constructive engagement to address differences and foster a culture of inclusivity and respect among party members.

Highlighting the need for internal solidarity and strategic focus, Conteh appealed for a unified front within the APC to overcome internal rifts and divisions. He cautioned against the divisive practice of pointing fingers and casting aspersions on fellow party members, stressing the imperative of singing from the same hymn sheet and working towards a common goal of reinstating the APC in governance.

“In the army, after operations, we conduct debriefings to assess our performance, identify areas for improvement, and learn from our experiences. The same reflective approach should be applied in politics to enhance our effectiveness and resilience,” Conteh remarked. He advocated for a post-election review within the party to evaluate past shortcomings, successes, and challenges with a view to charting a more effective and strategic course forward.

Emphasizing the critical importance of introspection and collective learning within the APC, Conteh called for a concerted effort to put the party’s house in order and address internal deficiencies. He underlined the significance of humility, self-assessment, and a commitment to reform as essential components of the APC’s journey towards renewal and relevance in the political landscape of Sierra Leone.

As Major Retired Alfred Palo Conteh’s clarion call for democratic reforms and unity reverberates throughout the APC, the party stands at a crossroads of opportunity and challenge. The path to a revitalized and cohesive APC lies in embracing democratic governance, fostering open dialogue, and cultivating a culture of mutual respect and shared purpose among its members.

With Conteh’s impassioned plea for collective action and introspection, the APC’s prospects for renewal and resurgence hinge on its ability to internalize his message of unity, integrity, and democratic accountability. As the party navigates the complexities of internal reform, the echoes of Conteh’s vision for a stronger and more united APC serve as a guiding beacon towards a brighter future for all those who share its aspirations and ideals.

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