Investigation Committee Recommends…
By Abdulaziz Samura
The Investigation Committee’s findings regarding the illicit registration of a right-handed vehicle (AVH 831) have implicated the Transport Director, Arthur Brima, who was found culpable and subsequently recommended for dismissal. It was revealed that Arthur Brima collaborated with an individual named Mawulaia Conteh, who, as per the committee’s report, lacks any official affiliation with the organization.
It is worth noting that intelligence received by this publication indicated that a right-handed vehicle bearing the registration number AVH 831 was apprehended at the Mile 38 checkpoint on January 8, 2024, in direct violation of Regulation 73 of 2011. Despite being licensed towards the end of the previous year, the vehicle was transported to Freetown on January 9, 2024, subsequent to its seizure due to the severity of the offense.
Following these events, a committee was established by the executive team under the leadership of Human Resources Director Scott Manga. The committee’s investigation concluded that Mr. Arthur Brima had certified and registered the vehicle as right-handed, disregarding the regulations that explicitly prohibit such activities.