By: Tamba Borbor
Communication & Advocacy Officer
WHH Sierra Leone
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) through its Nutrition Smart CommUnity Project funded by Irish Aid Sierra Leone has prioritized food diversification in communities within Pujehun District.
With the aim of improving on the nutritional levels of the community people, WHH on Thursday 25th April 2024 conducted a Cooking Class to teach the locals in Njaluahun Community how to prepare food recipes with local ingredients that found around their backyard.
A three-basket of food was categories during the training exercise which includes energy-giving, growth/body-building and protective foods.
For the Cooking Class, Cassava Leaves, Organic snails, crabs, groundnuts, maize, oysters etc. were assembled to be prepared as a special recipe.

Hawa Bockarie (In WHH Field Gear from left), WHH Field Staff and project participants in Njaluahun Community in preparation for the Cooking Class.
Judith Titty Sandi, the WHH Agric and Nutrition Field Officer IN Pujehun District explained that they decided to prepare “corn rice” as an alternative to the staple food which is rice.
“Corn is one of the carbohydrates foods that gives energy to human beings. The people have it in their communities but don’t know how to prepare it so that is why we are encouraging them to start using their local foodstuff to diversify their daily diet and not stick to rice alone,” Judith explained.
Hawa Bockarie, the Head of WHH Nutrition Smart CommUnity Project funded by Irish Aid in Pujehun District said that the Cooking Classes which have formed an integral part of the project’s activities, are aimed at diverting the heavy dependence on rice in remote communities when there are many alternative foodstuffs in the communities.
“These Cooking Classes are in response and fulfillment of WHH Vision of a World Without Hunger and in achievement of Zero Hunger by 2023. That is why we are training the communities on how to prepare their local foodstuffs which are more nutritious and help their children to grow better,” Haw explained.
She disclosed that WHH has developed ten new recipes which will be rolled out in communities to tackle hunger and lessen the dependance on rice.
“Let us learn to eat more of what we grow and grow what we eat,’ Hawa urged project participants.
James Alpha, Partnership Manager of WHH Sierra Leone said that the Cooking Classes are a major component of the project implementation to address nutritional deficiency of remote communities.
“These local foodstuffs have much nutritional value and of lesser cost which can be used to boost growth of children and Under-Fives in the communities. We are also focusing on hygiene and sanitation during these Classes to prevent illnesses borne out of dirty and unclean environment and handling of foodstuff,” James noted.
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) has been implementing the Nutrition Smart CommUnity Project from 2021 in Pujehun District with support from Irish Aid Sierra Leone to address the critical challenges of severe malnutrition and over-dependence on rice alone as a staple food.
This project intervention is also in line with WHH Vision of achieving “A World without Hunger’ and attaining “Zero Hunger by 2030.”
KNOWN ALL MEN by these presents that I AMINATA RITA SONPON of No.91 Wilkinson Road, Freetown in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone do hereby on my behalf absolutely renounce and abandon the use of my former names, MISS AMINATA BANGURA and in lieu thereof assume and adopt the names of AMINATA RITA SONPON.
AND for the purpose of evidencing such change of name, I hereby declare that I shall henceforth at all times hereafter in all records, deed documents and other writings and in such suits and proceedings as well as in all dealings and transactions matters and things whatsoever and upon all occasions use and subscribes the said names of AMINATA RITA SONPON as my real name use and in place of and in substitution for MISS AMINATA BANGURA as relinquished aforesaid.
BY THIS DEED, all documents, records, deeds transactions and other writings bearing my former names remain valid as if they were executed in my names of AMINATA RITA SONPON
I, the undersigned KADIATU KARGBO of No. 19 Old Signal Hill Road, Freetown in the Western Area of the Republic of Sierra Leone henceforth renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former name KADIATU KARGBO and in place thereof do assume from date thereof the names of KADIJAH JALLOH . I expressly authorize and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me by assume name KADIJAH JALLOH. However, all documents, deeds and instruments bearing by former remain