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Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG), formerly known as Kingho Mining, has provided clarification on several issues that have been brought up against the company.

During the clarification process, the management of Leone Rock emphasized that their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are unparalleled in the country, highlighting their extensive contributions to the people of Sierra Leone and the nation as a whole, with ongoing efforts in place.

Disputing allegations of immigration-related misconduct and discrimination against local employees, Mohamed Daffe, the Director of Human Resources at Leone Rock Metal Group, asserted that 90% of their workforce comprises Sierra Leoneans, with additional employees from various backgrounds such as Chinese, Rwandese, and South Africans, all of whom are treated equally.

In light of this, he questioned the extent of inclusivity achievable within their workforce, given the existing composition of the company.

Mr. Daffe emphasized the importance of respect in maintaining such a diverse workforce, attributing their continued progress and adherence to certain standards to this fundamental value.

He underscored their commitment to prioritizing consultations with both employees and local communities regarding their operations, demonstrating their concern for the well-being of their staff and the communities in which they operate.

Addressing concerns about the perceived lack of allowance for a workers’ union within the company, Mr. Daffe affirmed the right of their employees to unionize, noting that they are affiliated with the United Mines Workers Union, which he described as highly functional.

Furthermore, he assured that Leone Rock has consistently adhered to the immigration and labor laws of Sierra Leone, urging the media to view the company as a partner in the development and progress of Sierra Leone and its citizens.

Similar sentiments were echoed by other department heads within the organization.

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