Invited participants including the Deputy Minister 2 of MAFS (Center) flanked by Director of Crops at MAFS and WHH Head of Programmes.
WHH targets 2,000 Women Farmers in Karene and Moyamba
By: Tamba Borbor
Communication & Advocacy Officer
WHH Sierra Leone
Welthungerhilfe Sierra Leone (WHH) has on Wednesday 21st February 2024 launched the “Promoting Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security through Climate-Smart Livestock Farming” Project at the Galaxy Hall in Kamakwie Town, Karene District.

WHH Head of Programmes – Gospell Matondi delivering a statement at the official launch of the Project in Kamakwie Town.
With funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the new project is implemented in Karene and Moyamba Districts by two WHH’s local partners – Mankind’s Activities for Development Accreditation Movement (MADAM) and the Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS). With a duration of 36 months, the project targets 2,000 vulnerable smallholder households in Moyamba and Karene districts to benefit from development of climate-smart agriculture and small-scale livestock geared towards improved food and nutrition security.
Speaking at the official project launch in Kamakwie, Head of Programmes Gospell Matondi gave a brief background of WHH’s intervention in Sierra Leone since 2002.
He stated that WHH’s main goal is to ensure that “every Sierra Leonean does not go to bed hungry in line with our Vision of Zero Hunger by 2030”, adding that launching this project complements the Government’s “Feed Salone” Flagship development programme.

L-R: Director of MADAM- Mohamed Sorie Conteh and WHH Head of Programmes- Gospell Matondi pose in front of MADAM Office in Kamakwie Town.
He noted that supporting 2,000 women in the two project districts manifests WHH’s commitment to empowering vulnerable women households in food production and improved income generation.
“WHH is committed to establishing its presence in the North of Sierra Leone, which include Karene and, Falaba Districts. Through this Project, we expect development of sustainable and resilient local food systems nutrition for the two districts,” Gospell further stated.
He appealed to the project participants to ensure the project is sustainable and stressed the need for close collaboration and synergy with relevant line Ministries including the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS).
The WHH Head of Programmes further informed the community that a Complaint Response Mechanisms will be established, to enable participants to communicate their concerns to the Project Management team during the implementation phase.
“Do not be afraid to reach out to WHH at any time to complain if things are not progressing according to what is contained in the project document,” Gospell urged the participants.
The Director MADAM, Mohamed Sorie Conteh thanked WHH for the continued support over the years especially to undertake such a project that prioritizes women’s empowerment at the local level, while noting that the project’s objectives are in line with the Feed Salone Initiative of the Government of Sierra Leone.
Mr. Conteh stated that the people of Karene and Moyamba are fortunate to be benefiting from this project which he noted will support income generation, prevent malnutrition, and improve climate resilience because of climate change.
He urged the participants to support the project to ensure sustainability and assured his Team will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) and other stakeholders for successful implementation.
The Chairman of Karene District Council, Kandeh Turay in his statement lauded the intervention of WHH in his District with the objective of increasing food and livestock production.
He appealed to the people to support the project as women are at the heart of it all.
“Let us ensure the Feed Salone Initiative of the Government succeeds by supporting this project which will benefit 1,000 of our women farmers,” the Council Chairman stated, committing to knock on all doors to bring development projects that will benefit the people.
The District Agriculture Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security – Mohamed Sheriff acknowledged WHH-supported project has objectives that are in line with the Feed Salone Flagship Initiative of the Government of Sierra Leone.
He urged the project participants to enlist their support for the project even after completion to ensure all the gains are sustainable.
In his keynote address to officially launch the project in Karene District, the Deputy Minister Two of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security – Sahr Hemoh thanked WHH for the various interventions across the country to positively impact the lives of “our people.”
He stated that with such a project that focuses on boosting food and livestock production, the country is in line to feed itself.
“We must be food sovereign… and the President has said that we must grow what we eat and eat what we grow,” the MAFS Minister further stated, adding that all relevant development partners are needed to achieve this objective.
He lauded WHH for embedding solar irrigation technology in the project which has been a challenge for farmers in the rural areas and stressed the need for collaboration between the Ministry staff in the district and MADAM.
“Our staff have the required technical knowledge and experience to advise the implementing partner MADAM and WHH, so we hope this can be fully utilized for the successful roll out of this project for the benefit of our people,” Deputy Minister Hemoh further stated.
Edward Conteh, the Head of Programmes of MADAM in explaining the purpose and overview of the project stated that 2,000 smallholder households in Karene and Moyamba districts will have access to the improved infrastructure, support services for small livestock, vegetables, and markets.
In general, he said, the project aims at improving food and nutrition security and strengthening resilience and adaptation to the impacts of climate change in Moyamba and Karene districts of Sierra Leone.
Momoh Lawrence Turay, the Project Manager of MADAM delivered a PowerPoint Presentation of the project’s components.
Welthungerhilfe has been involved in various sectors in Sierra Leone ranging from agriculture, food and nutrition security, cocoa value chain, water and sanitation, emergency response, waste management, clean energy, and skills development in the remote parts of the country.
The organisation has a Vision of a world in which everyone can lead a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.