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…Desperate to Micromanage Committee’s Recommendations


The public is well aware of the significant corruption scandal unfolding at the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority (SLRSA) under the leadership of Reverend Smart K Senesie, the current Executive Director. However, what remains puzzling to many is the apparent desperation of Mr. Senesie to micromanage management decisions in order to deviate from the committee’s recommendation of immediately dismissing the corrupt and culpable Transport Director, Arthur Brima.

Despite the committee’s recommendations months ago that implicated Arthur Brima and his associates in the unlawful registration of a right-hand vehicle (AVH 831), the SLRSA chief has been persistently trying to shield Arthur Brima from dismissal, even at the cost of disregarding the Authority’s stance to uphold and enforce the recommendations.

It was also surprising to many that a precedent had been established by the Board in 2019 when four employees, including the License Manager, were dismissed for a similar offense.

Information obtained by this publication suggests that Mr. Senesie has chosen to remain silent on the matter and is actively seeking support from senior colleagues within the Authority to quash the existing report and fabricate a new one that would absolve the corrupt Transport Director, Arthur Brima.

Sources indicate that the committee put forth several valuable recommendations, one of the most crucial being the suggestion that those responsible should face appropriate consequences in accordance with the terms and conditions of service regulations, which in this case, necessitates dismissal. The failure of the Executive Director to take such action has left many, including staff within the authority, perplexed, leading to a characterization of the organization as being in disarray.

“Since assuming the role of Executive Director at SLRSA, Reverend Smart K Senesie has brought about a period of instability and disorder within the Authority. To me, this represents a direct challenge to the commendable efforts of His Excellency President Julius Bio, as Mr. Senesie refuses to adhere to the management decision to dismiss the Transport Director,” a confidential source revealed.

The aforementioned right-hand vehicle was apprehended at the Mile 38 checkpoint on January 8th, 2024. It was registered late last year in clear violation of Regulation 73 of the SLRSA Act 2011, which prohibits the registration and operation of right-hand drive vehicles in the country.

An official correspondence sent to Executive Director Reverend Smart K Senesie regarding the aforementioned matter was disregarded was disregard.

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