Fake 244 Toll Free Line
Fake Driver’s Licenses Claim
Fake Outstations Claim
By Ibrahim Alusine Kamara (Kamalo)
Falsehood, deceit, corruption, and ineptitude are purported to be among the primary characteristics of Reverend Smart Senesei, the Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority (SLRSA).
His tenure at SLRSA, as indicated by many both within and outside the institution, has been marked by corruption, ineffectiveness, untruths, and deceit.
The organization has been on a continuous downward trajectory since his appointment as head in 2019.
Many individuals have been victims of Smart Senesei’s deceptions, including most recently, his boss, President Bio, whom he misled to make false statements regarding supposed improvements at the institution during the State Opening of Parliament.
Addressing Road Infrastructure during his State Opening Speech to Parliament, President Bio mentioned alleged Road Safety Improvements such as secure and digitized number plates, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) vehicle licenses, digital records and fitness cards, and biometric driver’s licenses.
Moreover, President Bio mentioned that the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority (SLRSA) has decentralized services with new electronic connectivity to outstations and reactivated the emergency toll-free 244 call center.
However, what President Bio may not have been aware of is that he was being deceived by the individual he entrusted with leadership at the Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority, as most of the things he mentioned do not exist.
For example, President Bio talked about the reactivation of a supposed 244 toll-free line which does not exist even as we publish this piece.
President Bio also mentioned Radio Frequency Identification Driver’s Licenses when in reality the institution has ceased issuing driver’s licenses for nearly a year now, leading to widespread unemployment for thousands who are dependent on the licenses for their livelihood.
Additionally, President Bio mentioned decentralized services with electronic connectivity to outstations, which is also another falsehood he was led to propagate.
In truth, President Bio was unaware that nearly all the authority’s outstations are non-operational as most have deteriorated and become obsolete.
It is truly disgraceful how Reverend Smart Senesei managed to deceive the President and prompt him to make erroneous assertions despite being fully aware that they are blatant lies, thereby subjecting the president to public ridicule.
Many now view the actions of the SLRSA leader as a complete lack of respect that should be met with severe repercussions.