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Various local tabloids in recent weeks have been reporting about the unhealthy approach of Craig Dean to the purchase of Sierra Rutile Limited. The proposed $40m investment is to have him own over 70% shares which would enable him to appoint the Managing Director. It is already rumored that his concubine, Wara Serry-Kamal, is the proposed MD.
The presence of Craig at Wara’s declaration for the presidency of the Sierra Leone Bar Association says it all. Whilst we believe that it is Craig’s right to love and be loved, when it comes to work ethics, we expect the business magnate to draw a line between the business he is doing and matters of national interest very much outside the scope of his business. I think Craig has no business in attending that declaration. He is poking his nose into issues that he has no business with.
This brings my attention to a complaint that a lady of Lunsar brought to this medium. The Serry-Kamal Law Firm is the law firm hired by Craig Dean for the Marampa Mines Limited in Lunsar. The firm has a legal person working and resident in the Mines. Some time ago, Wara, just being a legal adviser, was involved in recruitment. She employed a former Member of Parliament and Minister, Hon Isata Kabia, as a communications consultant. Since her introduction in this capacity, Hon Kabia has never for once come around, but is on monthly remuneration.
As if not enough, Wara single-handedly laid off some senior workers, one of which is the spouse of the lady. This is the first time hearing and seeing a law firm firing employees of the Mines. It is said that Wara did the firing to make room for her cronies.
At the time of compiling this report, there is a lot of grumbling and complaining by some young people in Lunsar. The Community Relations Department was brought into the picture as well. Professor Sheikh Umarr Kamara, the Director of Community Relations, was also accused of not supporting the communities but the management. Our reporter attempted to interview the professor on this allegation. As far as he (Professor) is concerned, he is committed to doing his work as prescribed in his terms of reference, and the communities are happy with him. He hardly interferes with other departments and, hence, is very limited about the issues raised. He would, however, ask questions where applicable for verification.
Wara’s ethnocentric worldview may lead to many competent people leaving MML. Wara is doing what she is doing because of her relationship with Craig.
Our reporter touched base with an Ataya Base at Shell. The young men were furious that most of the good jobs (middle and higher) were always given to people outside Lunsar, even when they have overqualified persons for all of those positions. The hiring of the Serry-Kamal firm, when they have Law Firms directly related to Lunsar, is another concern. The Serry-Kamal firm is in the business of hiring people unrelated to Lunsar for employment, the young men lamented. “They often accuse us of being lawless or troublemakers. But how do they expect us to have acquired relevant education and qualifications for jobs, yet they turn us down for strangers. God gave us this natural resource for the benefit of primarily Lunsar people. If things continue to go this way, we may have to seek redress in another manner”, the young man concluded.
The community calls on Craig Dean to draw a line between family and work. He is to be reminded that proper work ethics are expected of him. Wara should desist from getting involved in human resource and community matters.

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