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Expression of Interest

6th February, 2024

Management of the Kambia District Council Transit Facility (Guest House and Restaurant)

The Kambia District Council is seeking expressions of interest from appropriately skilled private service providers/managers/or hospitality outfits with at least 5 years of relevant experience to manage the Kambia District Council Transit Facility (Guest House and Restaurant) which is situated at the Guinea Crossing Point Gbalamuya, Kalangba Section, Gbineh Dixing Chiefdom, in the border crossing town within Kambia District.

As part of the grant from the European Union, the Kambia District Council selected to construct a Transit Facility to address the felt need of descent accommodation at the border crossing in Gbalamuya town.

The facility comprises the following facilities:
Ten rooms (3 executive suit and 7 single rooms)
AC in all the rooms including Reception/ waiting room
30KVA generator
TV in all the rooms including the reception and waiting launch
Mini Mart and restaurant
Conference hall
Fully fitted kitchen
P A system

The Kambia District Council therefore seeks proposals from individuals
or companies that have experience in managing similar facilities and are interested in taking up the tastefully constructed and fitted facility at the border crossing in Gbalamuya town, Kambia District.

The proposals (technical and financial, sealed in separate envelops, and in one original and 2 copy) should be submitted to:

The Chief Administrator
Kambia District Council
Kambia Town 2 Road
Sierra Leone

On or before February 20th 2024

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be shortlisted and evaluated based on the following criteria:





Technical capacity


Experience in managing and operating similar facilities



Management Model



Financial capacity and proposal





An applicant will need a minimum score of 75% overall to be considered for selection

There will be a facility viewing and information session at the facility on the 13th of February 2024
Applicants may request further information or request to visit the facility at least 7 days on the day of submission deadline between the hours of 11am to 12pm daily.

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