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By Mo Hamad

The Lawyers Society of Sierra Leone has issued a strong call to the government, urging it to fulfill its obligation to provide stable and reliable electricity to all citizens. The Society emphasized that access to electricity is not a luxury but a fundamental human right that must be promoted and protected by the state.

In a statement, the Society highlighted that the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights recognizes access to energy as essential for realizing multiple human rights, including the right to an adequate standard of living, health, and education.

The statement comes at a time when many communities across Sierra Leone continue to experience frequent and prolonged power outages, severely impacting businesses, healthcare facilities, schools, and households. The Lawyers Society argued that these persistent electricity challenges undermine the country’s development and hinder the well-being of its people.

Furthermore, in recognition of Women’s Month, the Society reminded the government of its duty under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to ensure that women, in particular, have access to adequate living conditions, which include stable electricity and water supply.

The Society also called on civil society organizations and the general public to make lawful and peaceful demands for improved electricity services. It encouraged citizens to consider all legal measures available to hold the government accountable for its responsibility to provide necessities that contribute to an adequate standard of living.

“The Society stands committed to assisting, collaborating, and working with citizens in their efforts to ensure reliable electricity supply across Sierra Leone,” the statement concluded.

As frustrations grow over the country’s electricity supply, this call from the Lawyers Society of Sierra Leone amplifies the voices of many who continue to endure unreliable power services. It remains to be seen how the government will respond to this renewed demand for action.

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