Labour Minister Hails NASSIT, Warns Employers

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Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MELSS) Mohamed Rado Swaray aka Rado on Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 warned a number of employers to observe the Labour Laws of Sierra Leone or be ready to face the law when they disregard laid down rules in the treatment of local employees.

He was delivering his keynote address during a workshop hosted by the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) held at the Radisson BluMammy Yoko Hotel.

According to the minister, during his recent inspection of various employment centers across the country, he discovered that mining companies including Leone Rock Mining Company and a number of others were in default of treating their local workers in humane and acceptable norms that do not meet international standard. 

According to him, it is mandatory on factories, mining companies an d businesses in general to abide by the Labour Laws of Sierra Leone in the treatment of their employees.

He pointed out that during his tour to places of work across the country, employees narrated harrowing stories of discrimination, violence, assault and sexual harassment. He noted that the purpose of his tour was to get first-hand information from local employees about the conditions under which they work, adding that he also discovered that Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs), health care, leave and transport allowance, low salary and other inadequacies faced by local employees were among issues that were brought up.

He added that he is there to ensure that such inadequacies and mal-treatment of local employees are corrected in order to ensure an efficient workforce that is capable of supporting the economic development of Sierra Leone and to also ensure that employers do the right thing according to the law so that their business ventures are not only profitable but legal and of international standard.

Several other speakers took time to discuss issues like the overview of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the NASSIT Act, the Employment Act and other topics.

Representatives from Kingho, Leone Rock, CSRG, Power China, Freetown Habour and other companies also made statements.

Chairlady of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour, Employment and Social Security, Hon. Rebecca Sam delivered a sounding presentation touching on the reasons why management of companies must ensure they go be the law because Parliament has the power to charge to court, stop the operations or even request for the repatriation of foreign company managers that deliberately refuse to comply with laid down Labour Laws and NASSIT regulations.

The climax of the event was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the MELSS and representatives of various companies that they would henceforth that they work closely with their sub-contractors to promote industrial peace and harmony; implement all statutory requirements as provided in the Labour Laws including NASSIT obligation; overtime pay agreement should be applied according to the n normal provisions of the Labour Law; risk allowance should be paid in accordance with the provisions of the law to qualified workers, subject to a risk assessment by the MELSS, among several other conditions for the overall betterment of conditions of service for local workers in factories, companies, industries and in other places of work.

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