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Since 2001 Sierra Leone’s sole provider of social security was struggling to reach where it is today – a bright example of good leadership among its peers.

That was the time when the average Sierra Leonean would tell you that he/she trusts no one with their money other than themselves. In other words, at that time not more than two Sierra Leoneans trusted banks with their money, let alone entrusting their money to a completely new entity like NASSIT. But twenty-two years down the line, NASSIT is singing a totally new and refreshing song of success, fulfillment and achievements.

And thankfully, twenty-two years down the line with hard work, consistency, determination, loyalty and blind trust, the NASSIT we all know today is equal to the task because it has over the years merited the trust and confidence of thousands if not millions of Sierra Leoneans who now subscribe to NASSIT!

Of course, this great achievement was not achieved in a day. It was gradually achieved through hard work and commitment with a teal of dedicated and loyal workers working under the directives of the NASSIT Director General, Mohamed Fuuad Daboh.

Under the astute leadership of, Mohamed Fuuad Daboh, NASSIT is proudly the only functional social security system in Sierra Leone which formidably engenders a bond between government and citizens, and over the years, has warmed itself to the citizenry of Sierra Leone.

Many thanks to the selfless efforts of the hard working DG and his team of professional managers and directors, it is no gain saying the fact that, NASSIT’s presence is more than felt across Sierra Leone.

Unarguably, NASSIT is among social security institutions in Africa that are making a mark and gaining the confidence of their respective peoples.

That is an accolade for all social security firms in Africa because social security provides across Africa but Sierra Leone in particular, is the social protection floor containing basic social security guarantees that will ensure that over the life cycle all citizens of Sierra Leone in need can afford and have access to essential income security at least at a nationally defined minimum level.

It is no gainsaying the fact that the number of people that are daily putting their trust in NASSIT is gaining momentum every day and increasing exponentially! That is a fact!

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