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In recent weeks, public interest in the proposed National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) Scheme for Informal Sector Workers has soared among workers in this sector and among members of the general public.

A number of informal sector workers this press spoke with said in as much as they are looking forward to a new legislation which is aimed at initiating a pension scheme for Informal Sector Workers in Sierra Leone, they expect the scheme to meet their expectations.

It could be recalled that before, during and after the preparation stages of the much-awaited NASSIT Scheme for Informal Sector Workers, the Director General of NASSIT, Mohamed Fuuad Daboh and his team always informed Informal Sector Employers and other interested parties that once the legal literature of the Informal Sector Workers’ NASSIT Scheme is drafted, the legislation (Bill) would go through the Sierra Leone Parliament for ratification before being signed by the President into law.

At the preliminary and subsequent engagements which involved scores of Informal Sector Employers, NASSIT senior staff, representatives from the Ministry of Labour, International Labour Organization (ILO) representatives and the Press, it was fundamentally clear that Informal Sector Employers are excited about the NASSIT proposal for a Scheme for Informal Sector Workers and demonstrated their willingness to fully support the new legislation when it goes to Parliament.

The enthusiasm demonstrated by Informal Sector Employers is still there, according to a number of Informal Private Sector Employers that shared their feelings with this Press.

In fact, one of them mentioned that he is in full support of the proposed scheme for Informal workers. It is understood that a number of Informal Sector employers and employees are currently demonstrating their support for the new Scheme by taking the message to their colleagues and compatriots in the regions and in Freetown as well.
But whatever be the case, NASSIT cannot do it alone and is therefore looking forward to receiving the necessary support that would see the new legislation for Informal Sector Workers

initiated as formal NASSIT members to make them eligible for the full benefits of the scheme. And because NASSIT Cares – their lives will change for the better!

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